Successful Salespeople Always Do These Three Things Now to Position Themselves for Success in 2022

With just six weeks left in the year, successful salespeople are ALWAYS focused on the following 3 priorities. These priorities ensure: finishing this year strong, teeing up early wins for next year, and building a strong foundation for next year’s overall success. Both you and your company will benefit by taking the next 45 days to focus specifically on the following:

1) Close Existing Opportunities: While this may seem easy and obvious, it’s amazing how some choose to distract themselves with non-relevant activities vs. closing opportunities they have right in front of them! The last six weeks of the year are hectic so stay focused! Understand every order which has a chance of shipping/servicing yet this year – don’t rely on others in your organization to make this happen – own the process. Check customer backorder reports, see if your customer will take different brands vs. first requested, work with manufacturing to find a way. Creatively close what is still open by talking to your customers (yes, call them vs. email) as you can be additionally valued right now helping get them what they need.

2) Position For Early 2022 Wins: Certainly your best efforts will not get everything shipped or serviced this year especially with the global supply chain issues we’re facing. As you determine what won’t ship or service this year, pivot your efforts in getting these ready to complete and close in early 2022. Flag or segment such orders in whatever system you use as “Early 2022” and literally set them aside until later…circle back to #1 above.

3) Get Your Sales Pipeline In Order: Year-end is the perfect time to clean up and organize your sales pipeline. Enter in new prospects from lead generation activities, research who these prospects are, organize your CRM, spreadsheet, or whatever opportunity tracking tool you use. Make time to correct and clean up errors in customer profiles. Add-in information you’ve been meaning to include to round out profiles. These small things will make a huge difference in your productivity in the New Year 2022.